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Sorry! Nothing here.

I'm (very) slowly trying to figure out what I want to do on the whole website, so not a single thing works here lol

I just realized I can use this as a lil' thing to keep my ideas in here (until I make this into an actual 404 page xd).

Also a note ig:
I wanted to make this inspired by the Project DIVA games (bc i love vocal synths and rythm games).
My og inspo was Project DIVA F2nd (It was my childhood (tween-hood? idk but i was around 12-14 when i discovered PD) even though I didn't even play it)
But looking at the home screen(???) I realized that with my nonexistant coding knowlage, it'd be impossible, so I setteled for the PSP games xd
and I really like it! These games look cool as fuck! They have this futuristic vibe that the later games lose (especially anything Arcade/Future Tone/MEGA Mix (I am a hater for the Arcade models))